Saturday 31 October 2009

Neve is 4 Months old

On the 25th October Neve turned 4 months old. She is a happy, contented little girl who on the whole sleeps well and is a pleasure to be around (except from 3-6pm which is witching hours). She had her check up on Tuesday and she is now 66cm long, 7kg and head circumference of 44cm. That means that she is tall like her Daddy being taller than 96% of babies born on the same day as her, she is heavier than 90% of babies born on the same day as her but her head is only bigger than 25% of babies born on the same day. Luckily she does not look at weird as this may sound.

1 comment:

Michelle's World said...

Aren't little bottoms cute?
She will hate you when she is a teenager for having nudie pics on the web!! :-)